How Get Mass email,Bulk email,Bulk email service,Bulk emails >
on average we now receive about a hundred and seventy-five
emails per day we believe half of them which means we don't even
open we don't even read on we just delete them and love those emails that
are coming in it takes up about two to two and a half hours of our day
my name's Chris met them with in min next I wanted to share with you guys
today three
expert email marketing tips your email marketing is not just about logging in
and sending one person one email
the having strategic in well-thought-out campaigns
that are relevant for the person that gets it you know I'm so sick of getting
emails from real estate agents
tell me how to cook a better for heater I don't wanna get
emails tell me that I'd need to set my clock back this weekend
that's not relevant if I signed up to get emails from a real estate agent
so make sure what you're sending is great
make sure you're sending it to the right people and then
also infuse these three Terps to have the best chance at success
so number one is what day of the week should you send it
I know you guys get busy during the week in a lot of times you do some your
marketing on the weekend
for the day to hear from MailChimp shows this is that Wednesday and Thursday
are the best days of the week to send emails
to your email list Saturday and Sunday are actually the worst days the week
so remember make sure sending emails during the week
preferably on Wednesday and Thursday now that you know the day the week the sand
what time should you send emails I wake up in the morning you guys
and I literally just lay in bed and delete emails of my iPhone
just because I see them doesn't mean I'm opening member reading them
so early in the morning actually is one of the poorest performing times
to send out your email marketing between 1pm
have 4 p.m. makes the most sense and think about it
people get up they go to work they're all serious about working and they were
card in the morning so they're not checking their email
and then they go to launch they come back and guess what now family kinda
mess around on the internet and check our email so between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.
is ideal
Wednesday and Thursday is ideal in the last tip tip number three
his about the importance of constantly growing your email list
you may have a hundred emails now a couple hundred emails now
you need to make it mission-critical to always add
emails to your list one of the ways you can do that is by just removing
the barriers to entry you know I look at real estate agents web sites they're
asking me for my name
phone number address first-born child name
they want it all you need to ask for email
go if you have a lot of people on your email list
you might want to consider saying 4,000 people are already receiving these
monthly emails
if you have emails that you very sent in the month
previous you may wanna let them see the emails your
you've been sending so that they can see how great they are but the reason this
is critical is that the
average open rate a van email that goes out to a new subscriber
is about 25 percent if you look at the fourth
email that they receive for the fifth email in that same campaign
it can go all the way down to about 5 percent so send on the right day
send at the right time send stuff that's great
in remove the barriers to entry on your email
opt in forms on your website or social media wherever they
that maybe if you'd like to learn more about the email marketing and pick up
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Published: 2014-09-25T17:29:00-07:00
By send bulk email service free online: Mass email,Bulk email,Bulk email service,Bulk emails.
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Published: 2014-09-25T17:29:00-07:00
Mass email,Bulk email,Bulk email service,Bulk emails.
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